12 August 2007

the beginning

this is my blog. finally a real blog. no friendstermyspaceflikrjdategoodreads blog. a real blog.

This will surely make me a billionaire!!! yesssss!


or just a place to feed my narcissism.

I just realized I actually kinda dig my blog name. I hate naming things. Always convinced my choice is too boring or stuffy or stupid or vapid or......overthought.

But I like this one.

Of course that's because it's not original.

As far as I know, the sentence/title "Running & Howling with Barrel Fever" has not been used for a public - er - publication. But it's a composition of 3 of my favorite writers..... You might be able to figure it out if you have the same lit tastes. Or even if you just bother to read a book or 2 now n then. or the cliff notes. or a book review.

anyway- hope this is good. oy. my inner charlie kaufmann is already rearing his self-berating head. Where's my drink? ahhhh the writer is born.

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