Some of my favorite blogs are those which simply share day-by-day trivial happenings. Because I find people fascinating and beautiful -- anything is colourful to me. But for me to share daily nothings seems way too self-absorbed even for me.
On further thought, during this extraordinary time in our generation, it might be interesting, humourous, fun for others to read the day-by-day experiences of a full-grown, well-educated, ambitious, otherwiseresponsible adult sponging off her mother thanks to 8 months of unemployment and a crazy unemployment officer.
So here is my 1st post-- 7 months too late. All the really good stuff happened between September and February. I have a sneaky feeling my life is settling down to managable now. well poop.
Well there's something new- I finally found a way to keep my kittens' litter box clean fast enough to avoid my dog enjoying kitty poop snacks.
So here's today. A very lame, self-indulgent day. Maybe I'll back-track and fake-post "real day-by-day events" just for kicks.
Today began with a long walk with Kennedy. Something quite rare these days given the crazy Chicago winter weather. It was supposed to thunderstorm, but today began without rain, so I thought I better take advantage and take her out. It's been 3 days since she got significant time outside and it's supposed to rain until the weekend. Then again, the weather changes so quickly here, the meteorologists have mis-predicted it every week of the 3 months I've been out here.
Hold on- today began at 6am when I heard a glass crash in the kitchen. My mother's house is far from kitty proof. I've given up trying to safeguard her stuff piled up anywhere and everywhere. So this morning I was woken by Monroe, in her nightly mousehunt, knocking over what became my favorite beer glass here. The 16oz Bears glass my mom got for free from some gas station 20 years ago. When I went to the loo, Monroe ran in as usual and we played and she purred and she snuggled in my lap. On the toilet. Just like Misha. hmmmm
Right now I'm experiencing a heavenly overload of the senses. Rain. City smells. Pedestrians from every background making their way down Broadway. Skyscrapers hidden under heavy rain clouds. Smell of Intelligentsia coffee. The sound of the espresso machine artfully creating the best cappucino in town. People discussing art, literature, politics and laughing. 2 older men playing chess. Devotchka playing through the speaker above me. The muffled roar of the #36 bus. The taste of a REAL chai made from black tea stirred with ground vanilla seed, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, honey and milk. No boxed syrup here. As the song ends, the voices get softer. My head buzzes my eyes drink in the beauty of this misunderstood city. The door opens and the cool wet air blows in accompanied by the smell of fresh rain mixed with taxi exhaust.
Hmm the restaurant across the street has $5 pad thai on Thursdays. I'll have to come back. Wed $5 Guinness. Thurs $5 pad thai. Recessions are fun.
After dropping off my mother, I went up to that Starbucks on North Avenue that has the parking lot. I'm so poor, 50cents for a meter is too much for me right now. I use the Starbucks card my sister gave me to buy a drip coffee knowing I can get a free refill too. Spent 2 hours reading email, playing on facebook, researching ideas for writing, checking what little money I have in my bank account, applying for the 2 jobs I found looking at 12 job sites.
Ran to Borders on North/Halsted for their 50% off sale. Never used my Borders gift card from the holidays. Waited for a sale to make my spending worthwhile. Bought 6 movies-- Barton Fink, Breakfast at Tiffanys ("Cat! cat! ohhhhh where are you cat?! cat!"), Amadeus, Sweeney Todd, The Apartment, and that crazy anime film who's name escapes me right now. I wanted Lagaan, but Borders doesn't carry it. But thanks to my brilliant reenactment of the film's highlights, the staff now wants to get a copy of the film to see its epic epicness for themselves.
NOW it's pouring. I notice the time. I should have walked dogs at PAWS. dammit. I'm so selfish. Those poor dogs don't have enough volunteers to walk them and here I was available and it wasn't raining until noon and I spent my time in a coffee shop and book store.
Off to Trader Joes on Clybourn to pick up some food for dinner tonight. And some electrolyte water for mom. When I write my fake "today's events" post for the weekend, you can read why we need electrolyte water for my mom.
Then to Kreiser's for raw food for Kennedy. I feel sick about this. I want to support Eric's store on Lincoln. He was so sweet giving Kennedy oodles of free treats and food when we first walked into his store in Jan and both looked visibly shell-shocked by our life that month. But he charges $7 more than the other stores. As much as I prefer supporting small businesses, I have to support myself and my babies 1st right now...sigh...
On to DSW to find some galoshes. $60?! I can buy designer boots for less at Bloomingdales. ugh. I'll continue to live with soggy feet.
ok- 1 more hour to kill before picking up mom from Rush/Chicago. I. Need. Internet. So tired of living in Starbucks tho. Hateful. Got it- Intelligensia, My favorite little privately-owned coffee shop when I lived here. Now they have a shop in Silverlake. California. So I come in, it's huge. The yuppies have gone! Perhaps it's the 2pm weekday time that's responsible for this. Good times anyway. I get a chai + some banana bread. Thanks to Mom for loaning me money to buy golashes.
Well, now it's 3pm and I have to resume chauffeur duties. Pick up mom, take her out to Tinley Park for her dentist appointment. Go home, take Kennedy out. Make dinner for everyone. Collapse on the couch to watch The Biggest Loser and old reruns of Boston Legal.
Told you today was a lame one...
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